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A golf course existed in Vaul as long ago as the 1890 s. In 1911 an eighteen-hole course, 6,306 yards long, was laid out with the help of a professional golfer, James Hobbins, who married a Tiree woman. In September a club house was gifted by Mr Charles MacNeil of the Colonial Iron Works in Govan.

Before World War II, Tiree was a very popular golfing resort. There were eighteen-hole courses at Vaul, Scarinish and Heanish and a nine-hole course at Cornaig. All were closed during the war and only the Vaul course was brought back into use in 1962 with nine holes.

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Revival in 1968 Golf was revived on Tiree in 1966 or 67, courtesy of three stalwarts – Harry Rutter, manager of the shop in Balemartine; Kenny MacKinnon, the local policeman at the time; and Roddy Morrison, who was the local banker. It started off as 18 holes and we all mucked in and built tees and cut greens, sometimes before we went out to work in the morning. But the upkeep of it was so great we had to cut it down to nine. Gordon Connell, AC299. A newspaper cutting from 1965 reports on the efforts to bring the Vaul course back to life: Plans are being made by a group of islanders on Tiree to retrace and develop a golf course which was in existence more than 30 years ago. Since the course fell into disuse the land has been given over to sheep grazing. The old course, which was laid out by a professional, had 18 holes and was known as Kirkapol and Vaul Golf Club. Sheep have been grazing the land since the course went out of existence before the last war…Mr Donald MacLean, Vaul, is the only islander who can remember the location of the former tees and greens and his memory will be used for restoring the course. At least 14 of the original holes will be redeveloped. A road now runs across the grazing ground and rather than make players cross it, the remaining holes will be built on the same side of the road as the others…The sheep have kept the grass short, and Mr Morrison, a local bank manager, who is one of the leading figures in the scheme, will play over the ground tomorrow. But it is expected to be a year or two before the course is fully restored… The existence of the course, and the inauguration of the island’s first public water supply, which should be in operation by the end of the summer, will it is hoped, make it worthwhile providing more accommodation on the island for tourists. Newspaper cutting 7 April 1965. Another report backs this up: I see that after more than 30 years there is a ploy on to resurrect Kirkapol and Vaul Golf Course from under the very hooves of the Tiree sheep. The islanders have had a meeting. And today Scarinish bank manager Mr Roderick Morrison, is going out on safari with the policeman… Some two years will go by before Tiree Golf Club (as they’re going to re-christen it) is restored to its former glory. But already there are 30 members out of a population of 1,000. 

The Vaul golf course was re-opened formally in 1968: Vaul Golf Club Tiree began their season with the official opening of their new club hut in the presence of a large gathering of the players and their supporters. On the call of the club captain, Mr H Rutter, the key was inserted in the door by Mr Hugh Cameron, Hon. President of the Tiree Association, the donors of the hut…Mrs Cameron was presented with a bouquet of flowers by young Mairi Morrison, daughter of the club treasurer. In 1969 a trophy was donated by John and Gilbert Cadden, two brothers who had provided a visiting dental service to Mull and Tiree, some of it in a boat. The cup is still keenly fought for every year between Vaul and Tobermory Golf Clubs.

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